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Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of COMP360 in Participants With TRD
COMPASS Pathways
Treatment Resistant Depression
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants
with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) expand
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) Type: Interventional Start Date: Jan 2023 |
Memantine for the Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) identified an association between a variant in
the human gene for the N2A subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, GRIN2A,
and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in this
gene encodes for increased NMDA rec1 expand
A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) identified an association between a variant in the human gene for the N2A subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, GRIN2A, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in this gene encodes for increased NMDA receptor activity. Based on the potential function of the associated SNP and published literature, alterations in SNP function signaling may underlie a cluster of symptoms. The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of memantine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, in a precise patient subset with SLE. Participants will complete a full 14-week clinical trial, receiving either memantine or a placebo. Participants' blood will be drawn to test for various antibodies as well as organ function. Patients' urine will also be collected to assess organ function and pregnancy for females at a number of specific time points. The overall goal is to develop a safe and inexpensive therapeutic approach to reduce debilitating cognitive symptoms in a precisely selected SLE sub-population. Type: Interventional Start Date: Aug 2018 |
Contingency Management for Cannabis Use for Persons With HIV
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
HIV Infections
The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and impact of 28-days of
monitored abstinence from cannabis use on symptoms of depression and anxiety, pain,
sleep, cannabis use withdrawal, HIV viral load and biomarkers of systemic inflammation
among PLWH and who use cannabis regularly (we1 expand
The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and impact of 28-days of monitored abstinence from cannabis use on symptoms of depression and anxiety, pain, sleep, cannabis use withdrawal, HIV viral load and biomarkers of systemic inflammation among PLWH and who use cannabis regularly (weekly or more often). This will be a single arm pilot feasibility trial involving a contingency management program to induce cannabis abstinence. Specifically, the contingency management program will provide motivational (monetary) incentives to participants who achieve biochemically verified cannabis abstinence. Over the 28-days of this pilot feasibility trial, participants will attend seven study visits. During these visits, participants will complete survey questionnaires to assess sociodemographic, psychosocial, and behavioral factors. In addition, participants will provide blood and urine specimens for testing and quantitation of HIV viral load, biomarkers of systemic inflammation and for the detection of cannabis and other drugs of abuse. Type: Interventional Start Date: Aug 2021 |
Circuitry-Guided Smoking Cessation in Schizophrenia (UH3)
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Smoking Cessation
Nicotine Addiction
Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) will be exposed to active repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from F8 coil or active rTMS from H coil for
smoking cessation. Smoking and brain functional connectivity changes will be assessed at
baseline, different stages of rTMS a1 expand
Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) will be exposed to active repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from F8 coil or active rTMS from H coil for smoking cessation. Smoking and brain functional connectivity changes will be assessed at baseline, different stages of rTMS and/or follow-ups. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jun 2022 |
A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Etrasimod in the Treatment of Adult Participants1
Crohn's Disease
This is a Phase 2/3 study that comprises 5 substudies designed to evaluate the efficacy,
safety, and tolerability of oral etrasimod as therapy in adult participants with
moderately to severely active Crohn's disease (CD) who are refractory or intolerant to at
least 1 of the current therapies for CD1 expand
This is a Phase 2/3 study that comprises 5 substudies designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of oral etrasimod as therapy in adult participants with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease (CD) who are refractory or intolerant to at least 1 of the current therapies for CD (ie, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, or biologics). The overall duration of this study is up to 282 weeks, inclusive of the Screening Period, Treatment Period of up to 274 weeks (Induction, Extension or Maintenance, and Long-term Extension Periods), and the 4-Week Follow-Up Period for safety assessment. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jan 2020 |
Recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa) for Hemorrhagic Stroke Trial
Joseph Broderick, MD
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
The objective of the rFVIIa for Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke Administered at Earliest Time
(FASTEST) Trial is to establish the first treatment for acute spontaneous intracerebral
hemorrhage (ICH) within a time window and subgroup of patients that is most likely to
benefit. The central hypothesis is tha1 expand
The objective of the rFVIIa for Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke Administered at Earliest Time (FASTEST) Trial is to establish the first treatment for acute spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) within a time window and subgroup of patients that is most likely to benefit. The central hypothesis is that rFVIIa, administered within 120 minutes from stroke onset with an identified subgroup of patients most likely to benefit, will improve outcomes at 180 days as measured by the Modified Rankin Score (mRS) and decrease ongoing bleeding as compared to standard therapy. Type: Interventional Start Date: Dec 2021 |
Doxycycline for Emphysema in People Living With HIV (The DEPTH Trial)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
The purpose of this study is to determine if doxycycline will reduce progression of
emphysema in people living with HIV.
The secondary objectives are to examine the effects of doxycycline on change in quantity
of emphysema, six minute walk distance, patient reported outcomes, ratio of forced
expir1 expand
The purpose of this study is to determine if doxycycline will reduce progression of emphysema in people living with HIV. The secondary objectives are to examine the effects of doxycycline on change in quantity of emphysema, six minute walk distance, patient reported outcomes, ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity. Secondary objectives will also describe the safety and tolerability of doxycycline and determine if doxycycline is associated with development of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Type: Interventional Start Date: Aug 2022 |
Pragmatic Evaluation of Events And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in Older Adults
Duke University
Cognitive Impairment, Mild
Cardiovascular Diseases
PREVENTABLE is a multi-center, randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled superiority
study. Participants will be randomized 1:1 to atorvastatin 40 mg or placebo. This large
study conducted in community-dwelling older adults without cardiovascular disease (CVD)
or dementia will demonstrate the1 expand
PREVENTABLE is a multi-center, randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled superiority study. Participants will be randomized 1:1 to atorvastatin 40 mg or placebo. This large study conducted in community-dwelling older adults without cardiovascular disease (CVD) or dementia will demonstrate the benefit of statins for reducing the primary composite of death, dementia, and persistent disability and secondary composites including mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and cardiovascular events. Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2020 |
Adjunctive Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment-resistant Bipolar Depression
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Treatment-resistant Bipolar Depression
The overall objective of the investigators is to assess the therapeutic efficacy and
tolerability of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
(MSCs) isolated from hematogenous bone marrow for treatment of treatment-resistant
bipolar depression patient (TRBD). expand
The overall objective of the investigators is to assess the therapeutic efficacy and tolerability of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) isolated from hematogenous bone marrow for treatment of treatment-resistant bipolar depression patient (TRBD). Type: Interventional Start Date: Apr 2022 |
Neuromodulation of the Fear Extinction Circuit Using Temporally and Anatomically Specific TMS in Hu1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
This study aims to explore the mechanisms of how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
impacts fear circuits. The overarching objectives are to understand how varying TMS
parameters affect targeted brain regions in order to optimize its impact on enhancing
fear extinction memory consolidation in1 expand
This study aims to explore the mechanisms of how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) impacts fear circuits. The overarching objectives are to understand how varying TMS parameters affect targeted brain regions in order to optimize its impact on enhancing fear extinction memory consolidation in a population with known fear extinction deficiencies: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 250 subjects will take part in this research study across UTHealth Houston. The study will include preliminary screenings, baseline visits, and experimental visits across four days Type: Interventional Start Date: Feb 2022 |
Fear and Avoidance in PTSD Patients
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The purpose of this research study is to study how the brain learns to avoid certain
stimuli or situations using an experimental paradigm. The big goal is to measure brain
responses and subject's feelings and expectations when they are learning to actively
avoid experimental stimuli, and how fear e1 expand
The purpose of this research study is to study how the brain learns to avoid certain stimuli or situations using an experimental paradigm. The big goal is to measure brain responses and subject's feelings and expectations when they are learning to actively avoid experimental stimuli, and how fear extinction learning and monetary cost can change how and when subjects are to avoid. Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2021 |
Child to Adult Neurodevelopment in Gene Expanded Huntington's Disease
Peggy C Nopoulos
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant disease manifested in a triad of
cognitive, psychiatric, and motor signs and symptoms. HD is caused by a triplet repeat
(CAG)expansion in the gene Huntingtin (HTT). This disease has classically been
conceptualized as a neurodegenerative disease. Ho1 expand
Huntington's Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant disease manifested in a triad of cognitive, psychiatric, and motor signs and symptoms. HD is caused by a triplet repeat (CAG)expansion in the gene Huntingtin (HTT). This disease has classically been conceptualized as a neurodegenerative disease. However, recent evidence suggests that abnormal brain development may play an important role in the etiology of HD. Huntingtin (HTT)is expressed during development and through life. In animal studies, the HTT gene has been shown to be vital for brain development. This suggests that a mutant form of HTT (gene-expanded or CAG repeats of 40 and above) would affect normal brain development. In addition, studies in adults who are gene-expanded for HD, but have not yet manifested the illness, (pre-HD subjects) have significant changes in the structure of their brain, even up to 20 years before onset of clinical diagnosis. How far back these changes are evident is unknown. One possibility is that these brain changes are present throughout life, due to changes in brain development,though initially associated with only subtle functional abnormalities. In an effort to better understand the developmental aspects of this brain disease, the current study proposes to evaluate brain structure and function in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 6-30) who are at risk for developing HD - those who have a parent or grandparent with HD. Brain structure will be evaluating using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with quantitative measures of the entire brain, cerebral cortex, as well as white matter integrity via Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain function will be assessed by cognitive tests, behavioral assessment, and physical and neurologic evaluation. Subjects that are gene-expanded (GE) will be compared to subjects who are gene non-expanded (GNE). Changes in brain structure and/or function in the GE group compared to the GNE group would lend support to the notion that this disease has an important developmental component. Type: Observational Start Date: Jul 2005 |
Effectiveness of Two Aspirin Doses for Prevention of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: ASPIRIN T1
Ohio State University
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Gestational Hypertension
The overall goal of this large, pragmatic, comparative effectiveness trial is to test the
hypothesis that among at-risk individuals, 162 mg/day aspirin is superior to 81 mg/day in
preventing Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), and that there are multiple factors
associated with adherence wit1 expand
The overall goal of this large, pragmatic, comparative effectiveness trial is to test the hypothesis that among at-risk individuals, 162 mg/day aspirin is superior to 81 mg/day in preventing Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), and that there are multiple factors associated with adherence with aspirin therapy that will be important to identify to enable optimal implementation of study findings and population-level benefits. Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2024 |
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Treprostinil in Subjects With Progressive Pulmonary Fib1
United Therapeutics
Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis
Interstitial Lung Disease
Study RIN-PF-305 is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of inhaled treprostinil
in subjects with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF) over a 52-week period. expand
Study RIN-PF-305 is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of inhaled treprostinil in subjects with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF) over a 52-week period. Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2023 |
A Study to Assess Long-term Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Rocatinlimab in Adult and Adolesc1
Atopic Dermatitis
The primary objective of this study is to describe the long-term safety and tolerability
of rocatinlimab in participants with moderate-to-severe AD. expand
The primary objective of this study is to describe the long-term safety and tolerability of rocatinlimab in participants with moderate-to-severe AD. Type: Interventional Start Date: May 2023 |
A Study of Lebrikizumab (LY3650150) in Participants 6 Months to <18 Years of Age With Moderate-to-S1
Eli Lilly and Company
Atopic Dermatitis
The main purpose of this study is to measure the effect, safety and how well the body
absorbs lebrikizumab in pediatric participants 6 months to <18 years of age with
moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD). expand
The main purpose of this study is to measure the effect, safety and how well the body absorbs lebrikizumab in pediatric participants 6 months to <18 years of age with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD). Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2022 |
Testing the Addition of the AKT Inhibitor, Ipatasertib, to Treatment With the Hormonal Agent Megest1
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
FIGO Grade 1 Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
FIGO Grade 2 Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
Metastatic Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
Recurrent Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
This phase Ib/II trial tests the safety, side effects, best dose, and effectiveness of
the combination of ipatasertib with megestrol acetate to megestrol acetate alone in
patients with endometrial cancer that has come back (recurrent) or has spread to other
places in the body (metastatic). Ipataser1 expand
This phase Ib/II trial tests the safety, side effects, best dose, and effectiveness of the combination of ipatasertib with megestrol acetate to megestrol acetate alone in patients with endometrial cancer that has come back (recurrent) or has spread to other places in the body (metastatic). Ipatasertib may stop the growth of tumor cells and may kill them by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Megestrol acetate lowers the amount of estrogen and also blocks the use of estrogen made by the body. This may help stop the growth of tumor cells that need estrogen to grow. The combination of ipatasertib and megestrol acetate may be more effective in treating endometrial cancer than megestrol acetate alone. Type: Interventional Start Date: Mar 2023 |
Endurant Stent Graft System vs Excluder Endoprothesis: ADVANCE Trial
Medtronic Cardiovascular
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm >= 5.5 Centimeters in Male (Disorder)
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm >= 5.0 Centimeters in Female (Disorder)
The purpose of this trial is to generate clinical evidence related to key performance
outcomes of Endurant II/IIs Stent Graft Systems verses Gore Excluder / Excluder
Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis in subjects with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Subjects are
randomized and imaging collected at all foll1 expand
The purpose of this trial is to generate clinical evidence related to key performance outcomes of Endurant II/IIs Stent Graft Systems verses Gore Excluder / Excluder Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis in subjects with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Subjects are randomized and imaging collected at all follow-up time points to assess the primary endpoint. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jan 2023 |
APrevent-VOIS-Implant-002 - a Two-Part, Open-Label, Non-Randomized Multicenter Study
APrevent Biotech GmbH
Paralysis, Unilateral, Vocal Cord
This is a prospective, 2-part, multi-center, open-label, non-randomized clinical trial to
assess safety and effectiveness of APrevent® VOIS Implants for the treatment of patients
with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP). In total 30 evaluable patients are planned
to be enrolled. expand
This is a prospective, 2-part, multi-center, open-label, non-randomized clinical trial to assess safety and effectiveness of APrevent® VOIS Implants for the treatment of patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP). In total 30 evaluable patients are planned to be enrolled. Type: Interventional Start Date: Nov 2019 |
Safety and Efficacy of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion (PMX) for Endotoxemic Septic Shock in a Randomized1
Spectral Diagnostics (US) Inc.
Septic Shock
Prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label study of standard of care plus the PMX
cartridge versus standard of care alone in patients with endotoxemic septic shock expand
Prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label study of standard of care plus the PMX cartridge versus standard of care alone in patients with endotoxemic septic shock Type: Interventional Start Date: Jan 2020 |
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement With the Medtronic Intrepid™ TMVR System in Patients With Se1
Medtronic Cardiovascular
Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Multi-center, global, prospective, non-randomized, interventional, pre-market trial. All
subjects enrolled with receive the study device. expand
Multi-center, global, prospective, non-randomized, interventional, pre-market trial. All subjects enrolled with receive the study device. Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2017 |
Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia (GSDIa) Disease Monitoring Program
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc
Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia
The main objective of this observational study is to evaluate the long-term safety and
effectiveness of DTX401 for at least 10 years after DTX401 administration. expand
The main objective of this observational study is to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of DTX401 for at least 10 years after DTX401 administration. Type: Observational Start Date: Nov 2024 |
A Study of TAK-279 in Participants With Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis
The main aim of this study is to check the side effects of TAK-279 and how well it is
tolerated in participants with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
All participants will be assigned to study treatments of TAK-279 and will be treated with
TAK-279 if the participants meet the study rules.
Par1 expand
The main aim of this study is to check the side effects of TAK-279 and how well it is tolerated in participants with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. All participants will be assigned to study treatments of TAK-279 and will be treated with TAK-279 if the participants meet the study rules. Participants will be in the study for up to 217 weeks, including up to 35 days for the screening period, 52 weeks (Part A) up to 156 additional weeks (Part B) study treatment and 4 weeks follow up period. During the study, participants will visit their study clinic multiple times. Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2024 |
Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of RAP-219 in Adult Participants With Refractory Focal Epi1
Rapport Therapeutics Inc.
Focal Onset Seizures
This is a clinical research study for an investigational drug called RAP-219 in patients
with Refractory Focal Epilepsy. This study is being conducted to determine if RAP-219
works and is safe in patients with Refractory Focal Epilepsy. expand
This is a clinical research study for an investigational drug called RAP-219 in patients with Refractory Focal Epilepsy. This study is being conducted to determine if RAP-219 works and is safe in patients with Refractory Focal Epilepsy. Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2024 |
A Study Following Women in Menopause Treated With a Non-hormonal Therapy for Hot Flashes and Night1
Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc.
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes and night sweats (also known as vasomotor symptoms or VMS) are the most
common symptoms which bother women in menopause. This study will follow women going
through menopause who have hot flashes and night sweats that cause them bother. They will
be starting a non-hormonal therapy prescr1 expand
Hot flashes and night sweats (also known as vasomotor symptoms or VMS) are the most common symptoms which bother women in menopause. This study will follow women going through menopause who have hot flashes and night sweats that cause them bother. They will be starting a non-hormonal therapy prescribed by their healthcare provider (HCP) to treat these symptoms. The women will visit their HCP's office, research center, or both. They will receive prescriptions for the non-hormonal therapy from their HCP for up to 1 year. This real-world study will provide information on outcomes from various non-hormonal therapies. The study sponsor (Astellas) will not decide which therapy the women receive. However, the sponsor will provide instructions on when the women visit their clinic, and what is recorded during the study. Some of the visits will be in-person, but most will be virtual. The virtual visits can be carried out at home using a smartphone, tablet or computer. The main aim of the study is to check if the hot flashes and night sweats that bother women change after 12 weeks (3 months) of treatment. The study will also check the women's sleep patterns, their productivity at work, and their general well-being before and after starting treatment. The overall safety of the non-hormonal therapies will also be examined. Type: Observational Start Date: Nov 2023 |