
The purpose of this research study is to study how the brain learns to avoid certain stimuli or situations using an experimental paradigm. The big goal is to measure brain responses and subject's feelings and expectations when they are learning to actively avoid experimental stimuli, and how fear extinction learning and monetary cost can change how and when subjects are to avoid.



Eligible Ages
Between 18 Years and 70 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  1. 18 - 70 years of age 2. Female or Male 3. Inclusion Criteria: PTSD Subjects a. Diagnosis of current PTSD 4. Inclusion Criteria: Trauma-exposed healthy controls (TEHC) 1. SCID diagnosis consistent with no current psychiatric disorders, and no current PTSD 2. History of trauma exposure 5. Inclusion Criteria: Healthy controls (HC) 1. SCID diagnosis consistent with no current psychiatric disorders ("Axis I" disorders). 2. No history of trauma exposure 6. Willing and able to provide informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria

for ALL subjects: 1. History of neurologic disease (e.g. tic disorder) 2. Current significant suicidal ideation, plan or intent or suicidal behavior in past 6 months based on CSSRS or Self-injurious behavior that involves suicidal intent, requires medical attention, or occurs daily 3. History of seizure or significant head trauma 4. History of the serious/significant psychiatric diagnosis ("Axis I" disorders) 5. Use of neuroleptics within one year prior to study 6. Current substance use (assessed by urine toxicology; positive urine toxicology screen for any substance, with the exception of THC). Per PI judgement and approval: if urine toxicology is positive for a substance, participant may be eligible to proceed with study provided their urine toxicology (or saliva test for THC) is negative at experimental visit(s) 7. Pregnancy (to be ruled out by urine ß-HCG) 8. Metallic implants or devices contraindicating magnetic resonance imaging 9. High risk of adverse emotional or behavioral reaction, and/or an inability to understand study procedures or the informed consent process Additional exclusion criteria for Trauma-exposed healthy controls (TEHC) group and Healthy controls (HC) group: 10. Current psychiatric diagnosis ("Axis I" diagnoses)

Study Design

Study Type
Intervention Model
Single Group Assignment
Primary Purpose
Basic Science
None (Open Label)

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Emotional learning paradigm
After the initial screening / baseline assessment visit, participants will undergo two Experimental Visits, which include participation in an emotional learning paradigm and an fMRI scan over the course of two consecutive days. Participants will be asked to look at pictures on a computer screen to measure physiological response physiological response (skin conductance response) and brain responses using a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) machine. These two visits will be scheduled within a month from the baseline assessment visit.
  • Behavioral: Fear Conditioning
    Participants will be administered increasing intensities of mild electric shock via electrodes connected to the foot. New Biopac stimulators that can deliver higher shock intensity, provided participants agreement will be used to assure adequate conditioning levels. Stimulation is measures in milliamps (mA), and each delivered stimulation will be 0.5 seconds long (500 milliseconds). To colored (blue, red, & yellow) light stimuli (CS). The light stimulus is followed by a shock or no shock depending on color.
  • Other: Avoidance conditioning
    Via button pressing. Only one stimulus-CS will enable control over experiencing the shock: the participant can press the button during the first 2 seconds of the light presentation to avoid the shock.
  • Other: Pavlovian fear extinction learning
    After avoidance conditioning, the CS+ associated with avoidance responding appears with no button to press and no shock is administered.
  • Other: Willingness to pay to avoid shock
    On the next day, participants receive a monetary stipend to use to pay to guarantee that they are not to receive any shocks if they press a button from the CS+. This and all previously described experimental phases noted above will occur inside of the fMRI scanner.

Recruiting Locations

UTHealth Houston
Houston, Texas 77054
Mohammed R. Milad, PhD

More Details

The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston

Study Contact

Mohammed Milad, PhD

Detailed Description

This study aims to study the neural correlates of avoidance learning using a recently validated conditioning and active avoidance paradigm (CAAP). The overarching objective is to measure the neural correlates of active avoidance, and how fear extinction learning and monetary cost modulate these avoidance responses. Participants will include healthy controls (HC), trauma-exposed healthy controls (TEHC), and participants with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Avoidance is common and often hinders the progression and success of extinction-based exposure therapy in PTSD. The data to be gathered in this study will enable us to probe neural mechanisms of avoidance, extinction, and decision-making to avoid or not, in addition to understanding the impact of cost on avoidance decision-making. These data will provide a more integrated platform for the understanding of the mechanisms of avoidance in both trauma-exposed healthy controls and PTSD psychopathology, which has important implications for treatment.


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.