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Amplatzer Amulet LAAO Vs. NOAC
Abbott Medical Devices
Atrial Fibrillation
The objective of this trial is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Amulet LAA
occluder compared to NOAC therapy in patients with non-valvular AF at increased risk for
ischemic stroke and who are recommended for long-term NOAC therapy.
The clinical investigation is a prospective, random1 expand
The objective of this trial is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Amulet LAA occluder compared to NOAC therapy in patients with non-valvular AF at increased risk for ischemic stroke and who are recommended for long-term NOAC therapy. The clinical investigation is a prospective, randomized, multicenter active control worldwide trial. Subjects will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio between the Amulet LAA occlusion device ("Device Group") and a commercially available NOAC medication ("Control Group"). The choice of NOAC in the Control Group will be left to study physician discretion. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jul 2020 |
Cycled Phototherapy
NICHD Neonatal Research Network
Hyper Bilirubinemia
Premature Infant
Cycled phototherapy (PT) is likely to increase survival over that with continuous PT
among extremely premature infants (< 750 g BW or <27 weeks GA). expand
Cycled phototherapy (PT) is likely to increase survival over that with continuous PT among extremely premature infants (< 750 g BW or <27 weeks GA). Type: Interventional Start Date: Jul 2020 |
Vismodegib, FAK Inhibitor GSK2256098, Capivasertib, and Abemaciclib in Treating Patients with Progr1
Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology
Intracranial Meningioma
Recurrent Meningioma
NF2 Gene Mutation
This phase II trial studies how well vismodegib, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor
GSK2256098, and capivasertib work in treating patients with meningioma that is growing,
spreading, or getting worse (progressive). Vismodegib, FAK inhibitor GSK2256098,
capivasertib, and abemaciclib may stop the1 expand
This phase II trial studies how well vismodegib, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor GSK2256098, and capivasertib work in treating patients with meningioma that is growing, spreading, or getting worse (progressive). Vismodegib, FAK inhibitor GSK2256098, capivasertib, and abemaciclib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2015 |
Improving Surgical Patient Outcomes Through Implementation of a SemiStructured Intraoperative Anest1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Post-operative Complications
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of a semi-structured intraoperative
anesthesia handoff tool on patient outcomes and to assess the validity of the 5-Factor
Perceived Shared Mental Model Scale (5-PSMMS) in a healthcare setting and whether the
perception of Shared Mental Model (SMM)1 expand
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of a semi-structured intraoperative anesthesia handoff tool on patient outcomes and to assess the validity of the 5-Factor Perceived Shared Mental Model Scale (5-PSMMS) in a healthcare setting and whether the perception of Shared Mental Model (SMM) mediates the effect of the intraoperative handoff tool on postoperative outcomes Type: Interventional Start Date: Nov 2024 |
Functional Lumen Opening With Self-Forming Magnetic Anastomosis
GI Windows, Inc.
Small Bowel Anastomosis
The primary objective of this trial is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of the
Flexagon SFM system plus OTOLoc when used to create a small bowel anastomosis in subjects
undergoing laparoscopic small bowel surgery. expand
The primary objective of this trial is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of the Flexagon SFM system plus OTOLoc when used to create a small bowel anastomosis in subjects undergoing laparoscopic small bowel surgery. Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2024 |
Impact of Video-Enhanced Consent on Informed Decision-Making for Parents of Extremely Preterm Infan1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Understanding of Consent in Clinical Research
Implementation of Video-Consent in Clinical Research
This pilot randomized controlled trial evaluates the impact of video-enhanced consent
compared to the usual approach. The investigators aim to assess if video-enhanced consent
empowers decision-making and improves understanding in parents considering participation
in the ViDES study, which investig1 expand
This pilot randomized controlled trial evaluates the impact of video-enhanced consent compared to the usual approach. The investigators aim to assess if video-enhanced consent empowers decision-making and improves understanding in parents considering participation in the ViDES study, which investigates the effectiveness of Vitamin D supplementation in extremely preterm infants (the ViDES study is separately registered as NCT05459298). Type: Interventional Start Date: Jul 2024 |
Comparison of Intubation Conditions During Rapid Sequence Induction Obtained With Modified Time Pri1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
The purpose of this study is to assess and compare conditions for tracheal intubation
obtained with modified time principal induction with 0.6 mg/kg rocuronium and 1 mg/kg
succinylcholine. Specifically, the investigators will be evaluating ease of laryngoscopy,
vocal cord view, vocal cord opening,1 expand
The purpose of this study is to assess and compare conditions for tracheal intubation obtained with modified time principal induction with 0.6 mg/kg rocuronium and 1 mg/kg succinylcholine. Specifically, the investigators will be evaluating ease of laryngoscopy, vocal cord view, vocal cord opening, and movement of limbs and coughing during tracheal intubation in order to assess intubation conditions, to compare efficiency and success rate of tracheal intubation between two induction agents and to determine the rate of patient awareness during induction and post-operative recall of paralysis. Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2023 |
MIStreatment Screening in Elders Before Discharge
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Elder Abuse
Surveys and Questionnaires
Self Neglect
Geriatric Assessment
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing, implementing,
and integrating a brief, existent elder mistreatment screening tool (the National
Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment (NCAEM)'s Elder Mistreatment - Screening And
Response Tool (EM-SART) Pre-Screen) in1 expand
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing, implementing, and integrating a brief, existent elder mistreatment screening tool (the National Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment (NCAEM)'s Elder Mistreatment - Screening And Response Tool (EM-SART) Pre-Screen) in the Memorial Herman Hospital (MHH)-Texas Medical Center (TMC)Acute Care of Elders(ACE) (MHH-TMC ACE) unit and to identify older adults who may already be suffering from abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation, as well as connecting the study participants to the primary Geriatric Medicine team on the ACE unit such that additional care, evaluation (including additional in-depth mistreatment screening), and intervention can be taken to prevent and minimize further harm prior to discharge. The investigators hope to reduce missed opportunities for mistreatment detection to lead to safer health outcomes and hospital discharges. Type: Interventional Start Date: Apr 2023 |
intenSive UpPer Extremity Recovery Program for Chronic Stroke (SUPER)
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Chronic Stroke
The purpose of this study is to Investigate the feasibility of a high-quality, high-dose,
high-intensity upper extremity therapy program and to assess the treatment effects of a
high-quality, high-dose, high-intensity upper extremity therapy program on functional
outcomes, motor impairment, and qua1 expand
The purpose of this study is to Investigate the feasibility of a high-quality, high-dose, high-intensity upper extremity therapy program and to assess the treatment effects of a high-quality, high-dose, high-intensity upper extremity therapy program on functional outcomes, motor impairment, and quality of life Type: Interventional Start Date: Mar 2023 |
A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Efgartigimod PH20 SC in Adult Participants with A1
Active Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy
Immune-Mediated Necrotizing Myopathy
This study's purpose is to measure the treatment response from efgartigimod PH20 SC
compared with placebo in participants with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy (IIM).
Participants with the IIM subtypes of dermatomyositis (DM), immune-mediated necrotizing
myopathy (IMNM), or certain other subtypes o1 expand
This study's purpose is to measure the treatment response from efgartigimod PH20 SC compared with placebo in participants with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy (IIM). Participants with the IIM subtypes of dermatomyositis (DM), immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM), or certain other subtypes of polymyositis (PM; including antisynthetase syndrome [ASyS]) will be included in the study. Treatment response will be measured by Total improvement score (TIS). Additional information can be found on Type: Interventional Start Date: Oct 2022 |
ViDES Trial (Vitamin D Extra Supplementation)
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Vitamin D Deficiency
The objective of the study is to compare supplementation with vitamin D at 800 IU/day to
usual care for the first 28 days after birth with respect to 25 (OH) vitamin D levels and
indicators of likely or plausible effects of vitamin D supplementation on the function or
structure of the lung, bones,1 expand
The objective of the study is to compare supplementation with vitamin D at 800 IU/day to usual care for the first 28 days after birth with respect to 25 (OH) vitamin D levels and indicators of likely or plausible effects of vitamin D supplementation on the function or structure of the lung, bones, immune system, and brain in extremely premature (EP) infants who are <28 weeks gestational age (GA) or <1000 grams of birth weight (BW). The study results will be analyzed as intention to treat Bayesian analyses (Frequentist analyses will also be performed). Type: Interventional Start Date: Sep 2022 |
Meal Delivery and Exercise
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a home-based exercise program
administered through Meals on wheels (MOW) on gait speed and frailty status and to assess
the association between novel serum biomarkers (70 kilodalton heat shock proteins
(HSP70),Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins(1 expand
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a home-based exercise program administered through Meals on wheels (MOW) on gait speed and frailty status and to assess the association between novel serum biomarkers (70 kilodalton heat shock proteins (HSP70),Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins(MIP1b), soluble IL-6 receptor alpha-chain (sIL-6R)) and established but non-specific frailty biomarkers (Interleukin 6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α)) in frail and prefrail homebound older adults before and after the exercise intervention. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jul 2021 |
ATHN Transcends: A Natural History Study of Non-Neoplastic Hematologic Disorders
American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network
Hematologic Disorder
Bleeding Disorder
Connective Tissue Disorder
In parallel with the growth of American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network's (ATHN)
clinical studies, the number of new therapies for all congenital and acquired hematologic
conditions, not just those for bleeding and clotting disorders, is increasing
significantly. Some of the recently FDA-approved1 expand
In parallel with the growth of American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network's (ATHN) clinical studies, the number of new therapies for all congenital and acquired hematologic conditions, not just those for bleeding and clotting disorders, is increasing significantly. Some of the recently FDA-approved therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions have yet to demonstrate long-term safety and effectiveness beyond the pivotal trials that led to their approval. In addition, results from well-controlled, pivotal studies often cannot be replicated once a therapy has been approved for general use.(1,2,3,4) In 2019 alone, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued approvals for twenty-four new therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions.(5) In addition, almost 10,000 new studies for hematologic diseases are currently registered on With this increase in potential new therapies on the horizon, it is imperative that clinicians and clinical researchers in the field of non-neoplastic hematology have a uniform, secure, unbiased, and enduring method to collect long-term safety and efficacy data. ATHN Transcends is a cohort study to determine the safety, effectiveness, and practice of therapies used in the treatment of participants with congenital or acquired non-neoplastic blood disorders and connective tissue disorders with bleeding tendency. The study consists of 7 cohorts with additional study "arms" and "modules" branching off from the cohorts. The overarching objective of this longitudinal, observational study is to characterize the safety, effectiveness and practice of treatments for all people with congenital and acquired hematologic disorders in the US. As emphasized in a recently published review, accurate, uniform and quality national data collection is critical in clinical research, particularly for longitudinal cohort studies covering a lifetime of biologic risk.(7) Type: Observational Start Date: Sep 2020 |
Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Commonly Used Drugs in Lactating Women and Breastfed Infants
Duke University
Lactating Women on Select DOI
Breastfed Infants of Mothers on Select DOI
Over half of women in the US who are breastfeeding their infants take prescription drugs.
You are being asked to participate in this study because you are breastfeeding your
infant and are currently taking, as part of your medical care, at least one of the drugs
we are studying. We are interested i1 expand
Over half of women in the US who are breastfeeding their infants take prescription drugs. You are being asked to participate in this study because you are breastfeeding your infant and are currently taking, as part of your medical care, at least one of the drugs we are studying. We are interested in studying drugs commonly prescribed to women who are breastfeeding so we can learn more about the amount of drug that is transferred to breastmilk and estimate how much of drug that is consumed by breastfed infants. Type: Observational Start Date: Oct 2018 |
The Will Erwin Headache Research Center - Cluster Headache Study
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Cluster Headache
Cluster Headaches and Other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias
Paroxysmal Hemicrania
Hemicrania Continua
The Will Erwin Headache Research Center Study of Cluster Headache and Trigeminal
Neuralgia is a prospective, multicenter, observational research network for subjects with
Cluster Headache and/or Trigeminal Neuralgia. expand
The Will Erwin Headache Research Center Study of Cluster Headache and Trigeminal Neuralgia is a prospective, multicenter, observational research network for subjects with Cluster Headache and/or Trigeminal Neuralgia. Type: Observational Start Date: May 2016 |
Identifying Electrophysiological Targets for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Cocaine Use Disor1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Cocaine Use Disorder
The purpose of this study is to assess effects of intermittent theta burst stimulation
(iTBS) to left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
(dmPFC) compared to sham on electrophysiological indices of reward sensitivity and
motivated attention in adults with cocain1 expand
The purpose of this study is to assess effects of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) to left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) compared to sham on electrophysiological indices of reward sensitivity and motivated attention in adults with cocaine use disorder. Type: Interventional Start Date: Nov 2024 |
Ultrasound Evaluation for Improving Patient Selection in vNOTES
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (vNOTES) is an emerging field in
minimally invasive surgery. International consensus-based statement was recently
published to help guide the basis for adopting vNOTES into clinical practice, including
regarding patient selection. It was agree1 expand
Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (vNOTES) is an emerging field in minimally invasive surgery. International consensus-based statement was recently published to help guide the basis for adopting vNOTES into clinical practice, including regarding patient selection. It was agreed that women with potential adhesions are not appropriate candidates for vNOTES approach including women with suspected adhesions due to history of severe pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis. However, as some pelvic infections might be asymptomatic, pre-operation imaging might be beneficial to complete improved selection of patients. Moreover, women with previous severe PID or endometriosis might still have favorable pelvic to perform the vNOTES approach. Therefore, we aim to compare pre-operation ultrasound evaluation to operative characteristics and outcomes in women undergoing VNOTES approach surgery. Type: Interventional Start Date: May 2022 |
Post Market Clinical Evaluation of Gamma 4
Stryker Trauma and Extremities
Femoral Fracture
This is a prospective, multi-center, non-randomized, post-market clinical investigation
of the Gamma 4 System. Neither subjects nor investigators are blinded to treatment.
It is anticipated that a total of 100 subjects will be enrolled at five sites. Total
duration of enrollment, 12 month follow-u1 expand
This is a prospective, multi-center, non-randomized, post-market clinical investigation of the Gamma 4 System. Neither subjects nor investigators are blinded to treatment. It is anticipated that a total of 100 subjects will be enrolled at five sites. Total duration of enrollment, 12 month follow-up and analysis is expected to take approximately 30 months. The clinical investigation has been designed to follow the surgeon's standard of care for subjects treated with a cephalomedullary nail for femoral fractures or and deformities, in addition to a 12 month follow-up visit. The primary endpoint of this clinical investigation is demonstration of bone consolidation by 12 months. Type: Observational Start Date: Mar 2023 |
ARDS in Children and ECMO Initiation Strategies Impact on Neurodevelopment (ASCEND)
University of Michigan
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
ASCEND researchers are partnering with families of children who receive extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) after a sudden failure of breathing named pediatric acute
respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS). ECMO is a life support technology that uses an
artificial lung outside of the body to d1 expand
ASCEND researchers are partnering with families of children who receive extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) after a sudden failure of breathing named pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS). ECMO is a life support technology that uses an artificial lung outside of the body to do the lung's work. ASCEND has two objectives. The first objective is to learn more about children's abilities and quality of life among ECMO-supported children in the year after they leave the pediatric intensive care unit. The second objective is to compare short and long-term patient outcomes in two groups of children: one group managed with a mechanical ventilation protocol that reserves the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) until protocol failure to another group supported on ECMO per usual care. Type: Observational Start Date: Feb 2021 |
Testing the Addition of Trastuzumab or Trastuzumab/Pertuzumab to the Usual Chemotherapy for HER2 Po1
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Endometrial Carcinoma
Endometrial Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
Endometrial Dedifferentiated Carcinoma
Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma
Endometrial Mixed Cell Adenocarcinoma
This phase II/III trial tests whether adding trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-oysk
(Herceptin Hylecta [TM]) or pertuzumab, trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-zzxf (Phesgo [TM])
to the usual chemotherapy (paclitaxel and carboplatin) works to shrink tumors in patients
with HER2 positive endometrial cancer. T1 expand
This phase II/III trial tests whether adding trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-oysk (Herceptin Hylecta [TM]) or pertuzumab, trastuzumab and hyaluronidase-zzxf (Phesgo [TM]) to the usual chemotherapy (paclitaxel and carboplatin) works to shrink tumors in patients with HER2 positive endometrial cancer. Trastuzumab and pertuzumab are monoclonal antibodies and forms of targeted therapy that attach to specific molecules (receptors) on the surface of tumor cells, known as HER2 receptors. When trastuzumab or pertuzumab attach to HER2 receptors, the signals that tell the cells to grow are blocked and the tumor cell may be marked for destruction by the body's immune system. Hyaluronidase is an endoglycosidase. It helps to keep pertuzumab and trastuzumab in the body longer, so that these medications will have a greater effect. Hyaluronidase also allows trastuzumab and trastuzumab/pertuzumab to be given by injection under the skin and shortens their administration time compared to trastuzumab or pertuzumab alone. Paclitaxel is a taxane and in a class of medications called antimicrotubule agents. It stops tumor cells from growing and dividing and may kill them. Carboplatin is in a class of medications known as platinum-containing compounds. It works in a way similar to the anticancer drug cisplatin, but may be better tolerated than cisplatin. Carboplatin works by killing, stopping or slowing the growth of tumor cells. Giving Herceptin Hylecta or Phesgo in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin may shrink the tumor and prevent the cancer from coming back in patients with HER2 positive endometrial cancer. Type: Interventional Start Date: Nov 2022 |
Post Approval Study (PAS) of the OPTIMIZER Smart and CCM Therapy
Impulse Dynamics
Heart Failure
The OPTIMIZER Smart Post-Approval Study is a prospective, multi-center, non-randomized,
single arm open label study of 620 subjects receiving an OPTIMIZER implant as standard of
care. Patients to be included will have NYHA functional class III symptoms and a left
ventricular ejection fraction of 251 expand
The OPTIMIZER Smart Post-Approval Study is a prospective, multi-center, non-randomized, single arm open label study of 620 subjects receiving an OPTIMIZER implant as standard of care. Patients to be included will have NYHA functional class III symptoms and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25-45% Type: Observational [Patient Registry] Start Date: Jan 2020 |
A Phase 3 Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Coagulation Factor VIIa (Recombinant) for the Prevent1
Laboratoire français de Fractionnement et de Biotechnologies
This is an interventional, prospective, international, multicenter, single-arm, Phase 3,
and sequential efficacy and safety study in adolescents and adults with congenital
hemophilia A or B with inhibitors to factor VIII (FVIII) or factor IX (FIX) undergoing
elective major surgical procedures. expand
This is an interventional, prospective, international, multicenter, single-arm, Phase 3, and sequential efficacy and safety study in adolescents and adults with congenital hemophilia A or B with inhibitors to factor VIII (FVIII) or factor IX (FIX) undergoing elective major surgical procedures. Type: Interventional Start Date: Jun 2024 |
A Trial That Evaluates Disease Characteristics in Hemophilia B Adult Male Participants Receiving Pr1
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Hemophilia B
This study is focused on males who have Hemophilia B and who need regular preventive
treatment with factor IX protein (FIX) replacement therapy to prevent and also to control
their bleeding events. The aim of the study is to gather at least 6 months of information
on bleeding events for each indivi1 expand
This study is focused on males who have Hemophilia B and who need regular preventive treatment with factor IX protein (FIX) replacement therapy to prevent and also to control their bleeding events. The aim of the study is to gather at least 6 months of information on bleeding events for each individual participant while they continue to use their usual FIX replacement therapy. There is no experimental treatment being tested in this study. The study is informational, and part of a larger program to understand and treat Hemophilia B with a potential experimental new therapy in the future. There is no obligation to agree to taking part in this future study. The study is looking to answer several other research questions to help understand each participant's individual disease characteristics, including: - How often to use FIX replacement therapy, both on a regular basis (prophylaxis) and as needed to treat bleeding events - Measurement of FIX activity (factor IX is a clotting factor) by different laboratories using different types of tests in Hemophilia B participants - Possible complications from the FIX replacement therapy the patient receives (usual standard of care will continue to be used) - How quality of life is affected by Hemophilia B - How joint health is affected by Hemophilia B - How often the participant visits the emergency room, urgent care center, physician's office, hospital, or has a telemedicine visit as a result of bleeding events - Whether the body makes antibodies (a protein produced by the body's immune system) against the FIX replacement therapy you receive, which could make the drug less effective or could lead to side effects Type: Observational Start Date: Jan 2024 |
Effect of Photobiomodulation on Pain and Healing of the Vertical Releasing Incision After Endodonti1
The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
Apical Periodontitis
Endodontically Treated Teeth
Endodontic Disease
Apical Cyst
Apical Granuloma
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Photobiomodulation (PBM) in
postoperative pain after endodontic microsurgery (EMS) in patients from the University of
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Dentistry Graduate Endodontic Clinic
and to assess the soft tissue healing o1 expand
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Photobiomodulation (PBM) in postoperative pain after endodontic microsurgery (EMS) in patients from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Dentistry Graduate Endodontic Clinic and to assess the soft tissue healing of the vertical releasing incision (VRI) after PBM Type: Interventional Start Date: Aug 2024 |
A Study to Assess the Concentrations of Risankizumab in the Breast Milk of Adult Lactating Women Wi1
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease that requires lifelong
treatment. This study will asses the concentrations of risankizumab in the breast milk of
lactating women with IBD
Risankizumab is an approved drug for adults with plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis,
and C1 expand
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease that requires lifelong treatment. This study will asses the concentrations of risankizumab in the breast milk of lactating women with IBD Risankizumab is an approved drug for adults with plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Crohn's Disease. This is an open-label milk-only study lactation study to evaluate the presence of risankizumab in the milk of lactating women. Approximately 10 adult lactating women with IBD will be enrolled from approximately 3 sites in Israel and or the United States. Participants will receive risakizumab maintenance therapy every 8 weeks postpartum prior to start of participation in this study. The study duration is approximately 7 months. Participants will attend regular visits during the study at a hospital or clinic. The participants will also be completing questionnaires and will have medical assessments, checking for side effects. Type: Interventional Start Date: Apr 2024 |
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